Welcome to the Wonderful World of Hypnobirthing
Liverpool's Premier Hypnobirthing Service
Sessions held in Liverpool City Centre. Waterloo. Lydiate & Ormskirk.
A mothers joy begins when new life is stirring inside, when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time, or when a playful kick reminds her that she is not alone, and is with child. As an expectant mother you are probably looking here because you want a gentle birth for you and your baby. Birth is the most formative experience of our lives, and parents become encouraged to know that a baby who enters the world drug-free and alert, loving and confident, starts life and forms its first relationship in this world in the best possible way.
Of course, this is the blue print for many other relationships the baby forms throughout its life. Birth has an effect on all of its life and even on all the people it meets. In the long-term, the significance of this cannot be overestimated. Here, at Hypnobirthing Liverpool, we understand this, and realise that KG (Katherine Graves) Hypnobirthing offers simple, practical and effective antenatal education regarding childbirth, so that a woman learns to work with her body by following the natural child-birthing process.
Hypnobirthing gives a mother and her partner, the optimum ante-natal education and information on birthing. It offers information on what they can expect from their care-provider; what questions to ask about hospital standardised treatment and interventions, and information on other birthing alternatives, all of which enable them to make an informed decision.
Naturally, all parents are encouraged to make their own inquiries and research as much as possible, thus, they have all the information at their disposal to make a decision based on sound fact and evidence and not from assumptions. That said, the benefits of Hypnobirthing, for parents and baby, are extraordinarily beneficial and have been quoted by Liz Nightingale, midwife and hypnobirthing teacher who wrote the following Foreword in the KGH Hypnobirthing book.
‘Couples empowered by attending KGH Hypnobirthing courses, and by reading the Hypnobirthing book, will be in a much stronger position to face the daunting task of making informed plans for pregnancy, birth and new parenting, that are right for their family.'
Liz continues to stress the importance of Hypnobirthing, as a calm mother can help her baby even under a complex or challenging birth. The tools used in KGH hypnobirthing work are priceless, but please don't just take our word for it, there are plenty of mothers and fathers who have been on the course and have posted their experiences on YouTube and Facebook alike.
No matter how sceptical one might well be, then, the fact is that Hypnobirthing works - Fathers!
In bygone days, fathers were not allowed to be present at birth. Thank goodness things have changed, because fathers are now expected to have a more supportive role, and to be present at the birth. This may fill the father with fear and trepidation. He feels responsible, but doesn’t know what is going on. This will have an effect on his partner who needs to remain calm and relaxed so she can get on with birthing their baby.
Hypnobirthing fathers will ooze with calm, confidence and positivity. Being an important part of the process, helping with the birth of his baby can enrich and deepen the couple’s relationship, thus deepening the relationship with his child which in turn, is the foundation of all the baby's relationships.
Hypnobirthing is a full antenatal training programme. It allows parents to experience the magic of birth and puts you in charge, so your baby can be born calm, and alert as nature intended. KG hypnobirthing helps you to release fear and tension. It offers a relaxation programme, breathing exercises, and visualisation exercises, and affirmations to keep you confident, serene, and positive. You will learn, therefore, self-hypnosis and gentle exercises to induce deep relaxation. In turn this teaches you to just 'let go' of any fear and tension on a daily basis, and build confidence in the process every day.
Hypnobirthing is not a method of pain relief. KG Hypnobirthing works on the premise that pain not be there in the first place. You will learn massage techniques to release beta-endorphins, your body’s natural analgesia. As such, you are more likely to experience a natural, calm and drug free birth. Plus which, labour can be shorter and more comfortable. In many cases, there is no pain relief throughout the whole experience, thus promoting a confident and happy pregnancy as your increased awareness, and knowledge, puts you in control.
Midwife, Odette, says:
“Over the last few years as an independent midwife, I have had an increasing number of encounters with clients who have had truly beautiful, gentle and calm birth. The common factor in these births seems to be that they have attended a KG workshop. Keep up the good work, I will be recommending the KGH Hypnobirthing course to all my clients!”
As you can well imagine, there is far much more to Hypnobirthing than can be added here. Understand, though, and rest assured that whether or not you take advantage of a personal or group orientated session, all hypnobirthing sessions are tailored to meet your needs.
Each session is £50 and depending on your location, a small fee for travelling expenses may also be incurred. However, block-book 4 sessions in advance and you pay just £180
For further information, please call Maureen on 07725 731 073
Thank you
In bygone days, fathers were not allowed to be present at birth. Thank goodness things have changed, because fathers are now expected to have a more supportive role, and to be present at the birth. This may fill the father with fear and trepidation. He feels responsible, but doesn’t know what is going on. This will have an effect on his partner who needs to remain calm and relaxed so she can get on with birthing their baby.
Hypnobirthing fathers will ooze with calm, confidence and positivity. Being an important part of the process, helping with the birth of his baby can enrich and deepen the couple’s relationship, thus deepening the relationship with his child which in turn, is the foundation of all the baby's relationships.
Hypnobirthing is a full antenatal training programme. It allows parents to experience the magic of birth and puts you in charge, so your baby can be born calm, and alert as nature intended. KG hypnobirthing helps you to release fear and tension. It offers a relaxation programme, breathing exercises, and visualisation exercises, and affirmations to keep you confident, serene, and positive. You will learn, therefore, self-hypnosis and gentle exercises to induce deep relaxation. In turn this teaches you to just 'let go' of any fear and tension on a daily basis, and build confidence in the process every day.
Hypnobirthing is not a method of pain relief. KG Hypnobirthing works on the premise that pain not be there in the first place. You will learn massage techniques to release beta-endorphins, your body’s natural analgesia. As such, you are more likely to experience a natural, calm and drug free birth. Plus which, labour can be shorter and more comfortable. In many cases, there is no pain relief throughout the whole experience, thus promoting a confident and happy pregnancy as your increased awareness, and knowledge, puts you in control.
Midwife, Odette, says:
“Over the last few years as an independent midwife, I have had an increasing number of encounters with clients who have had truly beautiful, gentle and calm birth. The common factor in these births seems to be that they have attended a KG workshop. Keep up the good work, I will be recommending the KGH Hypnobirthing course to all my clients!”
As you can well imagine, there is far much more to Hypnobirthing than can be added here. Understand, though, and rest assured that whether or not you take advantage of a personal or group orientated session, all hypnobirthing sessions are tailored to meet your needs.
Each session is £50 and depending on your location, a small fee for travelling expenses may also be incurred. However, block-book 4 sessions in advance and you pay just £180
For further information, please call Maureen on 07725 731 073
Thank you